About Us

Why we provide the best services

Lucenteq has been helping consumers and users online recover what is rightfully theirs after being victimized by trading scams, trade platform scams, and the likes. Lucenteq has been a prominent method of wealth recovery and scam money recovery. Due to this, there are also recovery scams that have been spreading online. With all the deceptions and frauds circulating on the internet, you must be smart about it.


Our goal is to help anyone that has fallen victim to online fraud.

Lucenteq was founded for the purpose of protecting people worldwide against any online fraud, with a focus on unregulated Forex and Binary Options Brokers. They have already claimed millions of victims with an even higher turnover. Our crack team of skilled professionals shares decades of combined experience and we have all either worked in the options and forex industry or in international banking and cybercrime law. Our leverage is the ability to damage their processing and banking funnels. If needed we will take every single company to court and you will not suffer the expense.

Number 1 leading company in the industry Keeping abreast of the most recent technical financial information A fresh and proactive approach to their accounts and tax planning Bringing new look to your business! We are quality driven people

Who We Are

Our team is made up of people who have worked in the financial industry for a long time and have a good understanding of just how bad a broker can be. We also know how a company should act and when their ethics are in question, we are quick to act & very good at tracking them down. While we research brokers, we are able to locate most companies’ management and find loopholes to retrieve our clients’ funds. No one knows the process of retrieving funds and online scams better than us. As former industry professionals, we also know what a great investment looks like. We encourage fair and honest trading but make it our mission to take action when we encounter a fraudulent company making money off someone looking to start trading.

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